Monday, April 5, 2010

Introducing your old dog to your new one.

Do’s & Don’ts for Introducing a New Dog to Your Older Pets

Choose a dog of the opposite sex if possible. This will lessen the possibility of conflicts.

Choose a calm, well socialized dog.

The greater the age difference the better. Your older dog should be at least one year old before introducing a new dog to the pack.

Avoid competition and introduce the dogs off of your property. This will be less stressful on your older dog and help get things off on the right foot.

Do not force interactions between the dogs. Let them interact with each other at their own pace.

If the older dog growls, or corrects, the new puppy this is to be expected. The pup needs to learn their position in the pack.

Do not try to treat the dogs equally. Dogs do not like equality. They are pack animals and need to know their order in the pack. Treat your older dog as number one. Greet them first, feed them first and give them the most attention. Your new dog will not mind; they are happy to have a forever home.

Some dogs, and some breeds, are more possessive than others. If objects (toys, treats, etc.) create tension then remove the object and give it only when there is no chance of fighting. Corrections are fine but fighting is not.

Teach the dogs to eat together but do not allow them to fight over food. Remember, the food is yours and you are sharing it with the underlings in your pack. It is not the dogs and they should not fight over it.

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